Wednesday 30 June 2010

Thursday 24 June 2010

Neuchâtel Fantastic Film Festival and Imaging the Future

I'll be attending this years Neuchâtel Fantastic Film Festival in Switzerland and giving a talk at the 'Imaging the Future' symposium.

I'll be talking about designing District 9 and the creation of the world of Dr. Grordbort's.

Come along and say hi if you're in the neighbourhood.



Imaging the Future

Tuesday 22 June 2010

The Trapeze

Sweet mother of Chris Christopherson, it's more god-damned music.
I know, I know, you come here for the strange robots and what do you get for your troubles? Half finished, poorly recorded music!
Well, give it a listen anyway. If it sucks, write me and I'll email you back your lost minute.
I promise.

It's another quick loop piece called The Trapeze. Why does it keep on looping you ask? It was made on a loop pedal
Give a cousin a break!

Monday 21 June 2010

The Ballbuster

Nice robot. He's friendly to children, good natured and clean.
He really is a great robot, but needs more space to run around than what we have to offer. He is a very fast learner, and great company. He is microchipped but not de-sexed.

Sunday 20 June 2010

Hydrochloric Euphoric

I thought I'd see if you can embed music in a blogspot post, and holy crap, you can!
So this is a piece of music I wrote a while back. It's called Hydrochloric Euphoric.
I wrote it under the band name Mucho Pudenda.
Now that I know how to embed an MP3, I may post a little more from time to time , although I very seldom record anything so don't expect a flood.

In case you wonder how it's made, and why it's so lo-fi, it was created in several impromptu takes on a loop pedal.
I play something, and if I like the sound of it, I record another take right over it, and repeat to taste.
You have no ability to adjust levels, and it renders it all in glorious mono, but it's a fun way to make off the cuff music, which is about all I have time for after working all week on Grordbort's and other Weta film work.

Hope you like.

Wednesday 16 June 2010

Back from the void

Long time, no post.
Been busy, lazy, drunk. You name it.

I haven't done any personal work at home for months, and I thought, tonight is the night.
I've been pretty slow with my illustrations lately, so for better or worse, I decided to do this in one sitting.
I think it took about three hours (not including the original sketch).

It's in it's original form at the bottom, and because the creature is kinda small in the frame, there's a close up for your edification.

Oh yeah, exciting news on the Dr. Grordbort's Exceptional Exhibition coming soon!
New city, new exhibition partners.
Can't wait to reveal it.