Thursday 26 December 2013

Bonus Telephone Twattage

For your perusal: a munterly misanthrope, a saucy synthetic swordstress and a self-portrait of a simple pillock.

Made on the personal pocket telephone.

And as a bonus bone-headed bonus, please accept this curmudgeonly cave crone.

Tuesday 24 December 2013

Seasonal Telephonic Pixel Twerkage

Oh hey there!
I almost didn't see you, standing there all quiet like. Gave me the bloody heebeejeebees.

Its nice to see you regardless.

This blog needs a little love doesn't it?

I've decided to spruce it up with a few pixelised pontifications created on the pocket telephone during  moments of retreat from the xmas-bourne onslaught of family togetherness.

If you're anything like me, then you love the prospect of the Christmas holidays and look forward excitedly to seeing the families reunited,  but the brute-force reality of it when underway can send you scampering for a quiet corner and a place to scribble.

That's where these pictures come from.

Holiday dinner being prepared upstairs, children giggling and stomping about at high speed,  adults exchanging tales of workaday woes and me huddled away in my little bubble drawing dinosaurs.

Murray Xmas everyone!

Tuesday 8 October 2013

Keloid II - extreme robot fappage

The new Keloid trailer is out and it of course, frikkin' owns.

Me and Aaron Beck did a little bit of work for JJ and his team at BLR a whiles back, and it's inspiring to see how it's all come together - the final trailer is nothing short of incredible.

Below are a few of my concepts and at the bottom the final robots from the short.

If you wanna fap over yet more truly juicy Keloid roboporn, head over and check out Aaron's blog.

Sunday 6 October 2013

Travel Scribbles pt 4 - being the final of the series

Well, that Debbie Does Dallas content really went down a storm. The post was even featured in the official Debbie Does Dallas monthly fanzine, so thanks everyone for the support and well wishes.
It's a great feeling to receive kudos from your peers in the film industry.
I hope that these fan art homages inspired by the pioneering DDD sequel, 'Star Wars' connect just as powerfully.

Sunday 29 September 2013

Travel Scribbles pt 3

So, when I watch films or play games, a special kind of synesthesia kicks in.
Some synesthetes confuse colours and smells, some correlate sounds with shapes, some even associate couplings of roman numerals with sexual positions.
But it seems I alone, confuse Matt Damon with a Ceratosaurus.
So I apologise for what must seem to some a tenuously vague artistic connection with recent pop culture.
I present as some form of recompense, these scenes from something a little more classic and recognisable: Debbie Does Dallas.
By virtue of decency I've omitted the more risque moments and focused more on the scenes of character development.

Wednesday 25 September 2013

Travel Scribbles pt 2

Boy oh boy, there was a colossal backlash against my GTA5 inspired fan art from the previous post, with some emailing me to tell me that the likenesses were awful, and that Trevor should look more like a haggard hobo Vince Vaughn than a loosely speculative Allosaurus, and I've taken that to heart.
This time I've chosen to showcase drawings inspired by... umm, Elysium... I particularly like the one of Kruger in an imagined and likely scene where he mows the lawn, which he would have had to have done at some point or another between the killings and the punch-ups.

Tuesday 24 September 2013

Travel Scribbles pt 1

What could possibly be better for an artwork blog post than pop topicality. That's why I thought that fan art based on GTA5 at this particular moment could be a real hit.
With that in mind, I thought I'd present these sketches (doodled on a recent trip) of Franklin, Trevor and Michael in various 'kick ass' scenarios.
Now, I've taken the artistic liberty of imagining them as dinosaurs, in situations unrelated to the game proper, but I think the connection is implicit.

Thursday 22 August 2013

Sunday 18 August 2013


Who hates their ears and wants them to die horribly in a car crash because they stole your girlfriend and owe you money?
Stupid ears! I hope they fall down a cliff and break their hips.

Well, some people think murder is a bit OTT, even when it is just some dickfaced earholes.
So how about playing them this little ditty by Ghidoragh instead? Think of it as a violent compromise.

More ear punishment necessary? Try out the previous vid on those pampered little waxcatchers: Highly Punchable.

Sunday 4 August 2013

The 4th Law and Comic Con 13

I've been back from Comic Con for a couple weeks, and that as always was a whole lot of fun. Comic Con is always exhilarating and exhausting at the same time.
I managed to get sick on the last day, which is what you get for racing to finish and release an EP, organising a roving Beam robot to patrol the show floor, and battling to get this new baby ready in time to display at the show in a few short weeks.

Not that I'm complaining - I got fly across the globe once again to visit that mad house of nerddom, go to parties that gave complimentary massages (of the legal kind) and generally have an amazing time meeting amazing people.

We were lucky enough to have Stephen Fry join us via the Beam Robot but sadly I was hung over in bed when he Beamed in from London. What a top gent.

But the thing I wanted to share today is this monstrosity/beauty - the 4th Law - my latest high end art-piece raygun.

We're only making 20 and a big chunk of those have sold already. It's expensive yes, but that's what it costs to make a piece like this. We built this prototype here at Weta Workshop and each production piece will be handmade at the workshop  - it's made by ninjas. I think they do a back-flip after assembling each 4th law.

You can check it out at the WetaNZ website here.

Sunday 14 July 2013

Ghidoragh -Threat Level Ultra

We gone and done it - our first Ghidoragh EP , Threat Level Ultra is out.

Ghidoragh (or Ghidrah or Ghidorah, it's evolved over the years) is myself, Brian Holloway and Christian Pearce and we formed back in Hamilton, way back when.
We've been back together again and playing for a while, and the culmination of all that calamity is Threat Level Ultra.

It's out on Band camp and is whatever frikkin' price you like. 
If I know you well enough, that price is free, but hey, why not think of us as a charity for morons who can't stop screaming while a bunch of instruments go through a wood chipper? Go on, give us a fiver! Actually, maybe find a real charity to give your hard earneds to... Hmmm, now I feel guilty.

Okay, I'm over that - Did I mention that there are 50 copies of special edition version,  that comes in a custom Amiga style computer game box, and includes the whole EP on 3.5" floppy disk! 
Some people say that format is dead, but we're backing it for a comeback.

Christian and I tag-teamed the artwork and Brian did the layout.
The whole package is as faithful to the 80's/90's Psygnosis Amiga games as we could make it, with custom stickers, game manual, neatly folder poster art and chiptune versions of all the songs.

I've been part of some pretty neat things in my years, but you know what? I'm more proud of this lil' baby than almost anything else.

Massive thanks to Jeramiah Ross (aka Module) who helped us mix and master it.

Have a listen! 

Sunday 16 June 2013

Girl and Tyrant Lizard Friend

One day a taniwha, went running in the Savannah. 
With his girl-friend.

Thursday 30 May 2013

Nudey nudey nudey

Fussocking about in my old folders, I found this little treasure (if treasure is the correct word to apply to the mildly perverted scribblings of a retard). It has the original Dodgy Slip drawing on it which inspired me to do the 99DS exhibition with Christian P.

Thursday 23 May 2013


A new 'one-sitting wonder' I scribbled the other night. It's rough, but hey, it's short!

Wednesday 24 April 2013

Leewiart: The Conception art book.

Fresh in the mail from Beijing the other day, I get a copy of Leewiart's new art book, The Conception.
It's pretty swish I gotta say. Tons of great artists feature.

Wednesday 27 February 2013


Some scribbles of prancing paleolithic pretties from the dark recesses of my sketchbooks.
I think I might paint up some of these angry young women for funsies sometime.
I like how they're kinda ugly but kinda sexy too.