Saturday 31 March 2012

Tintin pt 2

Both Nestor and Haddock were really fun to work on.
I used photos that I snapped of various people from around the Weta design room to construct key aspects, and followed Herge's lines as closely as possible.
I think the mouth in 'spit-gag' Haddock is Christian Pearce.

Wednesday 28 March 2012

iam8bit - Super Magnetic Video!

Tintin pt 1


The Adventures of Tintin has been out for a while so I thought I'd show a little of the work that I did for the very early stages of the film.
I have to say, I had very little to do with the film overall, and simply watched as Chris Guise and his team worked their magic at Workshop, while the guys at Weta Digital worked ridiculous hours to bring this cherished world to life.
My small contribution was near the start of the project, and involved simply taking iconic frames or covers from Herge's work and rendering it as realistically as I could in the time we had.
It was a total departure from my normal work, in that I was slavishly faithful to Herge's lines and contours, as well as using photographic elements, which I seldom like to do.
This is not the sort of creative work I usually like, but for some reason I found the whole process quite refreshing.
It's one of the few times that I've just obsessively observed and followed a comic masters work and forgotten about my own creative intentions.
Quite liberating for a change.
If you want to see more, I'd recommend checking out the in-depth art of book Weta has made, and the incredible Ipad version.
More to come.

Monday 19 March 2012

iam8bit - Meat Gravity Tale - 4D Space Edition

While I was at GDC, the guys from iam8 bit held a neat event - the SUPER MAGNETIC GAME-O-MATIC.
Anyone could wander up and make game titles and genres from a vast array of huge fridge-magnet style words.
I joined in and drew up this on a juicy big Cintiq display (I think I want one....).
Two fellahs came up with the name and genre - Meat Gravity Tale 4D Space Edition - the last cliched epic shooter.
Was about a fun hour or so, and I hope I did justice to the idea.
One enthusiastic game developer wandered past and said they were actually gonna make the game, so keep your eyes peeled for that!
Thanks to Simon Carless from GDC for hooking me up, and thanks to Jon and the guys from iam8Bit!

UPDATE - Read about the event at Gamasutra

Saturday 17 March 2012

GDC Phone Sketches

Some sketches from my new toy - a Galaxy Note phone - it has a damn pressure-sensitive wacom style pen! 
These are mostly from during a recent trip to the US to attend GDC.  Sketched during my spare moments between talks, meetings and whiskeys.