Monday 30 April 2012

Concept Design Workshop Wellington 2012

Coming up in September, I'm doing a Concept Design Workshop alongside Weta friends, Aaron Beck and Ben Mauro, as well as game artist Robh Ruppel.
I believe this is the first time  CDW has been to New Zealand and Tickets are on sale now - spaces are limited  so book soon if you intend to come.

Tuesday 10 April 2012

Up a creek - redux

Another redux of an old piece - like the Diplodocus piece and the T-Rex piece before it, these are all works from about 8 or 9 years ago that I've decided to spruce up.
I really love the idea of setting Dinosaurs in the New Zealand bush, littered with the remnants of a long passed war.
Virtual high hives fives will be delivered to those tank nerds that can identify the three different tanks.

Friday 6 April 2012

99, I mean 20 Dudes Slugging

I found these today - the last handful of pieces that I drew on my Nintendo DS with Colors from a few years back
I briefly considered doing 99 of these boxers and knockouts as a follow up to 99 Dodgy Slips but then I snapped the fuck out of it.

Wednesday 4 April 2012

Tintin pt 3

The last wee bunch of pics.
These were fun colour and light studies, and even though we knew these scenes wouldn't be in the film, it was just about examining a possible style and feel.

If you enjoyed the film, or just want to go deeper into the film making and world building process at Weta, I really recommend checking out the Art of the Adventures of Tintin Ipad app. 
It's one of the most elaborate digital books I've ever seen and well worth exploring.