Tuesday 31 May 2011

The Old Sketch Books part 5

Ok, these pages are a bit strange I admit.
The robotic sketch on the left became Beerbot.
Not sure why the girl is watering her arse, and don't even ask about the wang stretcher.

Sunday 29 May 2011

The Old Sketch Books part 4

Some more oldies! Relatively speaking of course.
On a geological scale, these illustrations might have well as happened two nano-seconds ago. Damn, I am quick compared to plate tectonics and erosion!
These must be from around 99 - 00, because on the page next to these I refer to a new console known then as the 'Dolphin'. Bonus nerd points for guessing what that was.

Friday 27 May 2011

The Old Sketch Books part 3

These two pages are separated in time quite a bit.
The excavators are from my 'excavator' period, which was about 1999.
In truth this period continues today as well as preceding that year, but that was the year I drew the most of them at least.
The wrestlers were drawn on an  aeroplane in Mexico in 2007, so quite recent.
I did not see any Mexican wrestlers in Mexico, but I wanted to imagine that I did, hence the drawing.

Thursday 26 May 2011

The Old Sketch Books part 2

Nudes. Love to draw em'.
Good skill to have when you've got no masturbatory material at hand.
I didn't mean that, that was a joke.
I have never masturbated to one of my own drawings. That would be weird.
Oh god, I've done it once ok! It was before the internet! Jeez, get off my back already.

Tuesday 24 May 2011

The Old Sketch Books part 1

Lately, I've been so busy that the poor old blog has started to suffer.
Undernourished as it were, and needing of a little quasi-artistic nutrition, I thought I'd fill it's horrible little hunger hole with some delicious scraps from my past.
Over the next couple of weeks, I wheel out for your bemusement some creaky old drawings from my sketch books of old.
Most of these drawings date back to 1997-2000 and come from years before I started at Weta (where I learned most of what I know today as an artist).
So my apologies for their creakiness, but I got a smile from seeing em' and thought that you might do too.

Looking at these little Heihachi Mishima doodles I can see that his design influenced me to some degree with Lord Cockswain.

Monday 23 May 2011

A sneaky peak at the next from Dr. Grordbort

 **UPDATE!** Sneak peak posted on DrGrordbort.com

Holy Lord Crappington!
No, no, wait, it's Lord Cockswain.

Lately, I've been pretty snowed by all things Grordbort and there's some exciting stuff in the pipeline (I'm not sure where this proverbial pipe is but I guess it is under my house. I should have a look for it sometime - it's apparently full of lots of neat things).

I can't reveal much of what's to come just yet, but I can say that I'm working on a new Dr. G book.
I'm going to show a sneak peak at the first full colour page this weekend via Dr. Grordbort's.com but for now please enjoy this tiny pencil sketch of the infamous human wrecking ball and aristocratic moron.

Tuesday 3 May 2011

FOT and Angus

FOT and Angus is one of the most brilliant animations I have seen in a good long while.
I laughed myself silly until a tiny sprinkle of pee came out and it was during this dribble that I realised I needed to do some fan art of the lovable little FOT

First bit of art I've done in ages and I hope it makes up a little for the incessant self-pimping of late.

If you haven't seen them, then please go watch the animations. I think they're greeeaaat!

Sunday 1 May 2011

The Steampunk Bible

Dr. Grordbort's is featured in Jeff VanderMeers amazing new book,  The Steampunk Bible - check it out!
Looks like all kinds of fancy as shit!