Tuesday 31 May 2011

The Old Sketch Books part 5

Ok, these pages are a bit strange I admit.
The robotic sketch on the left became Beerbot.
Not sure why the girl is watering her arse, and don't even ask about the wang stretcher.


Stuart Thomas said...

Love the mech head at the top there, you gonna work that up one day?
That is a pretty good use for an arrow as well. Edumicational

Ryan Walsh said...

I just realized how long my thumb nails are. I bite my nails. I bite my right thumb nail pretty decent but my left thumbs nail is pretty long must have forgot to bite the left nail. My feet nails are 10 times terrible. Infact everytime I go to cut my pinky toe nail it always rips right off. No nail at all. its odd.. but it grows back thats the funny part xD

you have some introvert nails i must say. Very nice finger nails Greg Very nice. post more please.

Ryan Walsh said...

What kind of Penis is that 8|

Six said...

Ahh. Just got the 'wang stretching' bit. Disturbing...

Greg Broadmore said...

Thanks cuzzie bros. What type penis? A stretchy one, that's what type.

Stu, the arrow as you can see is conveniently propping up that little fellah, but also indicating momentum. Very handy. Feel free to use this technique in your own penis related artworks.

What a very penisy response to a very penis-centric post.

Ryan Walsh said...

you have lovely penis greg...