Tuesday 8 October 2013

Keloid II - extreme robot fappage

The new Keloid trailer is out and it of course, frikkin' owns.

Me and Aaron Beck did a little bit of work for JJ and his team at BLR a whiles back, and it's inspiring to see how it's all come together - the final trailer is nothing short of incredible.

Below are a few of my concepts and at the bottom the final robots from the short.

If you wanna fap over yet more truly juicy Keloid roboporn, head over and check out Aaron's blog.

Sunday 6 October 2013

Travel Scribbles pt 4 - being the final of the series

Well, that Debbie Does Dallas content really went down a storm. The post was even featured in the official Debbie Does Dallas monthly fanzine, so thanks everyone for the support and well wishes.
It's a great feeling to receive kudos from your peers in the film industry.
I hope that these fan art homages inspired by the pioneering DDD sequel, 'Star Wars' connect just as powerfully.