My new Dr. Grordbort's book: Victory is finished and nearing it's release date.
Darkhorse are publishing again and they will be releasing it on November the 11th.
As you can appreciate, I've named it something a little shorter than my last book this time: Victory - although it's full title is still a mouthful Dr. Grordbort Presents: Victory - Scientific Adventure Violence for Young Men and Literate Women.

This new book is sort of an adventure annual - although, within the context of the universe of Dr. Grordbort, I consider it propaganda for children. I'll leave you to interpret that as you will.
It fleshes out much more of the Grordbort's world than ever before and I think it is some of my best work so far - but I would say that wouldn't I?
It's not shit, I can promise you that much at least.
Here is a little sneak peak at what to expect!
Enjoy! (or complain - it's up to you. This is the internet after all)
Looking forward to it man!! We enjoyed perusing the Dingus Directory very much.
Whilst I'm here, I meant to show you this a while ago, I think you'd enjoy some of the designs
Awesome work in those previews! "The Earth is calling of the Empire's finest" is particularly strong. Great silhouettes.
I'll be keeping an eye out in November!
Looks amazing.
Looks like many kinds of awesome, Greg Broadmore! Looking forward to having a copy in my sweaty... little... hands...
Huzzah. Scientific Adventure Violence is the best kind. Here's to spectacular departiclizations of exotic vermin and lab assistants! Cheers!
Can't Wait to get it! Also it's nice to see a book approved for "Literate Women", a much overlooked faction.
hee hee
how have I gone this long without knowing you had a blog *__*
Woahh sweet images! I really dig the "earth elite forces" propaganda picture. Hopefully we can see some of the d-9 work soon, really looking forward to that.
Hey guys,
Thanks a bunch.I checked out those miniatures Jayden - very cool. I really liked the 'tankball'. I have images of that design from an old Popular Mechanics magazine. Such a bizarre and impractical idea- exactly why I like that era of sci-fi.
Glad you liked the Earth Elite Forces page - I believe that if you get the book from WetNZ.com, we'll be adding limited edition art card of that image to each book order.
I'll be signing any preorders from WetaNZ also. Joy!
Good god that's amazing!
This book looks so good! I'll totally try to pre-order a copy if I can get some cash together, my girl loves the fact that its for literate women. She thought it was super funny.
Just found your blog Greg and love it! Big fan of Dr Grordborts rayguns as well. Victory looks fantastic! Well that's enough fawning...
Best wishes.
Victory?! I feel a stirring in my loins! Can't wait to get me one so you can draw a bag of dicks in the front. Wait, how does that make ME the gay one?
Seriously though, looking forward to it :)
I think the title should have been "Victoria". And it would have been absolutely perfect!
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