Saturday 23 January 2010


Wrong place, wrong time.


Benjie said...

haha this is hilarious, love it, love it!

Pearce said...

Oh noes! His nose!

Ben Mauro said...

haha! Now what happens next?

JR Gibson said...


Stephen Crowe said...

Ouch! My face-parts hurt. Great funny pic, Mr Broadmore :) Nice composition.

Anonymous said...

So much for out-doors activities when you can stay home and draw safely.I am pretty sure its a penalty for the other team..right? Awesome picture man

James said...


Thermonuclear lawn darts.

Stuart Thomas said...

Gravity wins again!

Greg Broadmore said...

Thanks guys!

What happens next, Ben?
Go and watch that 80's movie Wargames and follow that with a game of Tic-Tac-Toe to learn the answer.

Gravity always wins - with the major exception of the expansion of the universe, which I believe scientists think gravity will lose big time.

Frank Victoria said...

C'est rigolo!
Ha! Ha! Ha! (laughing in french)