Monday 19 September 2011


All my art energy these days is going into finishing my next Dr. G book and Team Fortress 2, so no new personal art to show (it's like a video game - I have a certain amount of points to spend on art each week. A substantially larger amount is spent on finding funny pictures of cats and a larger amount again is used levelling up my beer gut)
But, and it is a very big butt, I do have a new song to share.
Why's it called Purse you ask? Because I like the word purse. I like saying it. I like typing it.
There I've said it - it's out. Purse. Pursey pursey purse purse.


keen said...

you need to design a whole range of weapons for all the classes on tf2. id buy them.

Greg Broadmore said...

Thanks Tan - glad you like the DrG stuff in TF2.
Great stuff on your blog and tumblr too btw.

Ryan Walsh said...
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Ryan Walsh said...
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Ryan Walsh said...
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Ryan Walsh said...
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Ryan Walsh said...
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Ryan Walsh said...
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Ryan Walsh said...
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Greg Broadmore said...

Hey Ryan,
gonna get my delete on here.

You know the drill.
If you're gonna rant on some deluded racist shit, please - start a blog and splash it all over it.
Not going to stop you.

But don't come to my blog and spout this nonsense.

Ryan Walsh said...
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Ryan Walsh said...
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Ryan Walsh said...
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Ryan Walsh said...
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Ryan Walsh said...


Stephen Crowe said...

Choice Greg! I had an excellent 3 minutes and 3 seconds, and I have you to thank.

Greg Broadmore said...

Thanks Steve, been really fun making some more music after all these years.
And thanks Ryan for self-censoring - I appreciate it very much.

Ryan Walsh said...
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Ryan Walsh said...

GREG STOP DOING THAT TO YOURSELF, My Grandma always say if u keep playin with it.. Fall off. NO NO NO GREG

Ryan Walsh said...

Also,, Btw, Ur music would sound 100 times better if you had Rob Zombie or His brother sing in it. You know what i mean

Ryan Walsh said...

Dont Forget. Scientology is your Friend. Okay? Happy Smiles Now :D

Ryan Walsh said...

Do You Smoke Pot Greg? Well I do.
I can smoke dat shit till my eyes start to roll back ma head

Ryan Walsh said...

Me n u greg. were like two dildos in a vigina :)