Sunday 23 June 2013

Crunt Fuckly in The Favorite Episode


Peter Yong said...


So good! Such beautifully rendered gore!

Pearce said...

Is there a print available of the framed "Orange Cog" piece?

Greg Broadmore said...

Thanks Pete!
And yes, CP, a signed limited edition print entitled 'Indistinct Cog/Sun/Flower" is available.
You can send me money orders directly.
It's just 5 easy payments of 'everything in your bank account at the time'.

Buster Keaton said...

Wow, that's cheap, let me just ask what Pete 's got on his bank account and then check my own ...

Anyway, I love this stuff Greg. You should produce a little Crunt Fuckly book too.

Stuart Thomas said...

That is the most powerful forced blood fart I've seen :0

Sweet render too bol!

Ryan Walsh said...

It pains me to have seen these jelly bellies get tortured my blue Bunyan.

Captcha: electric remngus