Sunday 16 June 2013

Girl and Tyrant Lizard Friend

One day a taniwha, went running in the Savannah. 
With his girl-friend.


Pearce said...

That is highly highly excellent Greg!

Frank Victoria said...

Is awesome!!! Love the bike's wheels!

Stuart Thomas said...

mint bol! sweet deets and I like the little fello in the foreground :V

Nick Keller said...

Excellent indeed! This has all the ingredients... girl in provocative, futuristic thingamy suit riding a dirtbike...a dinosaur... what more could you want?

Anonymous said...

Christian Pearce said...
That is highly highly excellent Greg!

Lorin wood echoed...
....mmmm. Quite.

androobaker said...

boss of king fat that is awesome!

Anonymous said...

Sweet! Love it. Was just looking at your work in the King Kong natural history book on my shelf today. Fantastic stuff!

Oh, and the password captcha is "concerned Xcrement" !

Cavematty said...

Oh man I can't follow all that quippery. 'Tis a lovely piece Gregory :) Thanks for posting.

Ryan Walsh said...


Ryan Walsh said...

*Wonders if Greg Remembers my Rants about Online Spying and about me telling you to cover your webcams* LOL. Now its all in media hype these days. Im pretty sure greg, them were the posts you deleted from your comments.

Buster Keaton said...

I prefer the original version of this exceptional and brilliant piece of art. You know the one where she is riding the bike without the suit and you put 3 Xs on the bike's tank.

Greg Broadmore said...

Thanks fellow artistic fullahs.
Adam, that might be the best password captcha I have ever heard - it sounds like a good name for a character in Crunt Fuckly's world - an old school friend perhaps?
Ryan, I deleted those posts because Microsoft paid me too - it was part of project 'Silence RW' but I'm not supposed to go into detail.
Microsoft did tell me to ask you to stop masturbating while play COD tho, as the guy who monitors your Kinect is having nightmares.

Ryan Walsh said...

*sigh* Im always being silenced. I warn Senetors of continual rains and floods a month prior. Guess what happens. Floods.

They always block me, they always delete my comments.

Cant seem to be heard -.-
oh well guess i will go back to masturbating