Monday 23 November 2009

Dr. Grordbort's Gelaskins

Yo, Gelaskins - makers of fancy pants stickers that go on your fancy pants Apple get-ups are selling my Grordbort's art.
Now you can make your brand new tech feel all retro and dirty.



Pearce said...

Oh that's cool bro! They look great!
Giz plz? Obviously I'll need you to provide an isomething to attach it to.

Stephen Crowe said...

Choice! I likey... suddenly my iPhone feels kind of... naked.

Benjie said...

i just heard about your show in china on nightline, then in the mourning out of know where i here "Greg broadmore" on the good mourning show, just about had a fanboy attack haha. really sweet stuff and congratulations on the show.

im trying to win the Dr Grordborts victory novel right now

Kyle Ashley said...

i din't want a i phone before now... sweeet, if only more modern things could be retrofied.

Chainsaw said...

total hotness, i'm really enjoying your work.

kanishk said...

Super sweet designs!! Great Work Greg!!
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