Tuesday 26 January 2010

The Fall

The Robot, he fall.

What is the cause?

It is an enigmatic mystery dilemma that may pain you till your dying day...

Unless I just tell you it's obviously another robot throwing cars at him.

Take that Retardmobot!


Doug Williams said...

Another robot throwing cars? Hmmn, by the random trajectories I figured it was a giant octopus.

Awesome work,man! I'm really digging the shapiness of it all. So much detail, without over-detailing. Great color choices as well.

Seriously cool stuff.

Unknown said...

Vaginas! am i reading that right?

SHOo said...

Uh! Another super nice one!

Eric Chiang said...

Great storytelling. Awesome detail on the vaginas!!

Cavematty said...

I'm pretty sure you left out the speech bubble "EAT A BAG OF DIIIIIIIICKS"
Cool to see you posting again man. love it. Did you finish what you were reading ?

Greg Broadmore said...

"Awesome detail on the vaginas!!" is my favourite comment from the internet ever.
Thank you Eric, you have made my decade and it's only just started.

Doug, those are some anti-cephalapod hate slurs you're tossing around there.
They are actually very clever you know.
I have seen one wear a coconut as a hat. And they don't put them on all crooked like a teenager either.

Thanks all!

Mr. Satyre said...

I absolutely LOVE this illustration. I would gladly pay top dollar for a print of this one. Also, I'd enjoy eating salami and cheese on crackers.

Kevin Asmus said...

Big Tree Fall Hard


andrew domo said...
