Tuesday 8 October 2013

Keloid II - extreme robot fappage

The new Keloid trailer is out and it of course, frikkin' owns.

Me and Aaron Beck did a little bit of work for JJ and his team at BLR a whiles back, and it's inspiring to see how it's all come together - the final trailer is nothing short of incredible.

Below are a few of my concepts and at the bottom the final robots from the short.

If you wanna fap over yet more truly juicy Keloid roboporn, head over and check out Aaron's blog.


Adam Kuczek said...

Very nice designs and the flick is awesome, love the mood. Hopefully, some big studio will pick it up and we'll see a regular feature.

Thomas Mansencal said...
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Thomas Mansencal said...

That's awesome Greg, really dig the quadruped one! Fantastic railgun carrier :D

Stuart Thomas said...

Awesome to see your designs for this bol, they made good use of those digi paints!

Pearce said...

totes max radz!

Anonymous said...

It's really interesting to me, what does it mean - "БЛОК ТАНК" ?? I do know what does they mean separately(Russian is my native language) from each other, but in conjunction it make no sens

btw, awesome designs and perfect execution!

Greg Broadmore said...

Hey Sglivich, (if that is your real name) - no idea where the BLR guys got their Russian text from - google translate perhaps?

Anonymous said...

thanks for reply!
that's a pity, I'm sure they could make something more logical, theres plenty digital artists abroad who speak Russian, that would make this short even more bad ass)

once again, this short freaking mind-blowing! well done!

Greg Broadmore said...

@sglivich - Yah, I agree. It's not too hard to take the time to get this sort of thing right, and it makes a big difference. Often with so much pressure piled on, these things fall back in priority.
But I'm sure they'll take it on board as they go forward with Keloid though.

RogerH said...

Fantastic work! I think this latest work is among your best mech work. Truly inspiring. I wonder if you'll have a "making of Keloid" book? =)

Frank Victoria said...

Really awesome!!!
I like how solid and confident these designs are!
Kicking ass mister beard!

Chusquito said...

this is awesome! you and mr. beck have done an amazing job with the designs and the people at BLR did a terrific job bringing those designs to life. i would love to see a kelloid feature film, and please! somebody make one!