Thursday 18 February 2010

Dr. Grordbort's Exceptional Exhibition - Cyberport, Hong Kong

Next showing of the Dr. Grordbort's Exceptional Exhibition will be at the Cyberport in Hong Kong starting March 24th, 2010.
I'll be there giving a talk on film design and the World of Dr. Grordbort in the first few days.

If you're in the area, come say hi!



Benjie said...
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Benjie said...

must be a huge honor, hope it goes well.

Ill be the first person their when it hits NZ!

The ComicBook Factory said...

Honk Kong?

Greg Broadmore said...

Yes, Honk Kong, - it's right down the road from Taneatua.

Actually, after noting that derisive tone in your comment, CBF, I've changed the venue to a rival Cyber Port in Hong Kong.
It's much nicer there anyway.

Ben Mauro said...

Another trip to China??? I wanna come this time! :D

Teresa said...

very unlikely...
the videos you post are for nz only...
the exhibitions are in distant countries...
....I feel left out

paooo said...

awesome work man, love the district 9 design !!
thx for sharing

Greg Broadmore said...

Hey Teresa, you're in Uruguay?
Man, you're making me feel bad here!
I'd love to bring the exhibition to South America - a perfect excuse to visit.
Well, we'll see how this exhibition pans out, you never know.

The Gravy video should be online for the rest of the world soon hopefully and I'll repost a new link then.

Thanks for visiting!

Teresa said...

It could be a good thing to bring the exhibition here. But let’s face it, there will be a long list of places to visit, and we will be the last item...But we are used to it, don´t worry.

Greg, congratulations for your work, it’s beautiful. I love The Unnatural Selector; the art in D9 was perfect; and your robots are great.

I’ll be following up the exhibition on the web. And keep on with the blog!


Dr Merrin Pearse - Asia's #1 Ecopreneur said...

Wow - looking forward to seeing the exhibit. Loved District 9.

Hopefully I can wangle a ticket to the launch on 24 March otherwise I better get on one of the NZ Chamber of Commerce guided tours.

As a guy bought up on a farm near Edgecumbe it is great to see the comment about HK being just down the road from Taneatua. Boy this world is so small in some ways. I was in Ruatoki in January so got to see Taneatua again.

Love to show you around some of the amazing hidden treasures of HK if you have time.

Hadrian said...

Yesss Greggg... keep movin it Southwards... just abit more... to Singapore!

We may not be a big country but,hmm. Yeah. It's really hot here. But we have air-conditioning. Everywhere.

It really sucks worse than a black hole that I can't get away right now, as I would really be on a plane to HongKong for this exhibition if I could. That and they wouldn't take my Monopoly money for the air ticket.

Please bring this exhibition to as many places as you can, I'm sure there are many all over the world who wish they could go, as much as I do. Do post some excerpts from your talks there if you can as well.

Thank you,

Best Regards,

Rael said...

Hi Mr Broadmore,

First of all, I'm a big fan of District 9 and Weta, no great news about that, every one I know is a big fan too=) And your work is amazing, superb, thanks for showing your art. Its trully inspiring...
I agree with Teresa, you should bring the exhibition to South America, (I'm from Brazil)Or maybe I should go to NZ =)

Teresa said...
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Anonymous said...
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Jyrki J.J. Kasvi said...

Damnation, missed the exhibition by one day - but fortunately the shop was already open and I got myself my very own Righteous Bison Aether Oscillator.

Hadrian said...

Just saw the interview you did for this stop, great stuff! It would be really awesome to see the world of Dr. Grordbort's realized in a feature film.

Can't wait for the Art of District 9 either, there's just so much refreshing designs packed in the world of the film, hopefully we'll get to see lots of the creative process in the book.


Jason Scheier said...

congratulations greg! lovin your work!

Bryan Wynia said...

Amazing stuff. Love the those planer shapes.

kanishk said...

Great piece man, love the high fatality troop transport design.

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Fryewerk said...

I was in Hong Kong a few days ago and saw a big promo on the side of a bus for the exhibition. Wanted to snap a photo, but both I and the other bus were moving in opposite directions. Very cool!