Monday 16 September 2013



Pearce said...


Fabián Fucci said...

Impressive! Simple yet highly effective.

Frank Victoria said...

Wunderbar! As we say in french.

Anonymous said...

Um. Nipples.

Wietse Hoeksel said...

Frostbite nipples look very painfull. Still very much awesome!

Greg Broadmore said...

Frostbite Nipples - my favourite band.

Stuart Thomas said...

anus if she travels to other countries that don't have the same socket.
Sweet paints bol!

Stupidosaur said...

I guess if one does a 'face-palm' with a face like that, one could get an electric shock and then the ridiculousness of not being being able to do a simple facepalm would make one do a facepalm again and then...


But still it is always good to have three nostrils to pick, as long as the power is off. Where is the switch?

Stupidosaur said...

Wait I figured where the switches are. There is a striking resemblance.

But then I wonder why there are two black switches. One should be okay.